When building a goat fence, it is impossible to give a one-size-fits-all answer for how far apart the posts should be. Several variables come into play such as the type of fence being employed, the landscape, the number of goats and their individual temperaments. Yet there are a few guidelines that can be taken into account to make sure your fence is helpful.
When selecting a fence, the space between the posts depends on the type utilized. If weaving wire is the choice, then they should be no more than 10 ft. from one another. Chain link fencing posts may be spread out every 20 feet. For electric fencing, however, the posts should be limited to no further than 30 feet apart.
If you have an uneven landscape, it is wise to position the posts in closer proximity to one another; otherwise, the goats may use their jumping or climbing prowess to pass over it. On the other hand, when you have a flat terrain, the fence posts can be placed further from each other.
When deciding on how far apart to space your fence posts, the size of your goat family can make all the difference. Having only a few of these furry critters means you can give them more room to roam. But when tasked with watched over an expansive clan, it’s best to minimize the amount of gaps by keeping the posts closers together. Doing so will help guard against any brave goats intent on taking a brief detour outside.
If you are looking to construct a new enclosure for your goats, it is important to think about their individual personalities. Will active and curious goats be joining the herd? If so, it is best to have the posts set relatively close together. This prevents a zealous creature from attempting to escape the confines of their makeshift pen. Alternatively, if you are surrounded by docile and relaxed goats, spread the posts out further – they’ll likely be content with the space provided.
When constructing the fence boundaries for your goats, sometimes it is better to go the extra mile. Ensure that the posts are placed closer together than further apart. Doing this will provide your goats with an adequate amount of space for exploration and movement, but will also grant them the security of a confined environment.
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Post time: 2023-06-28